What We Do
Learn more about CRG, or “communities, rights, and gender”, and how it can improve country responses to address HIV, TB, and malaria. As the Asia-Pacific Regional Platform on CRG (APCRG), we hope to deliver to timely and relevant information and tools to promote the inclusion of CRG interventions in HIV, TB, and malaria programs.
News and Updates
Siem Reap Statement 2024: “Beyond the HLMs: One Region: From Unified Vision to Action”
SIEM REAP STATEMENT Outcomes of the Regional Meeting “Beyond the HLMs: One Region: From Unified Vision to Action” There has...
APCRG Platform 2021-2023 Learning Document
APCASO is a regional civil society network organisation that serves as a catalytic platform for advocacy and community...
2023-2025 Allocations
The 2023-2025 Allocation for the 7th Grant Cycle (GC7) is now out! This list of allocation covers 20 countries and 2...
How to Protect Ourselves from COVID-19: Messages and Experiences from Papua New Guinea
The Key Population Advocacy Consortium (KPAC) comprises members of Friends Frangipani, Igat Hope and Kapul Champions. ...
APCRG Scoping Exercise 2022 Results
Civil society and communities living with and affected by HIV, TB, and malaria play a central role towards the success of...
APCRG Platform NFM4 Technical Assistance (TA) Webinar
Missed our webinar? You can still watch it by clicking the photo above or the button below! In this webinar, you will see a...