by Secretariat | Jul 3, 2020 | CRG UPDATES, Publications, Social Justice, Updates
The COVID-19 pandemic has tilted the world into an unprecedented situation. With most countries paralysed, its impact has put key and vulnerable populations disproportionately affected not only in terms of accessing the necessary services on HIV, TB, and malaria; it... by APCRG | Jul 3, 2020 | Community Systems Strengthening, CRG UPDATES, Updates
This is the third in a series of case studies highlighting the results of the “Global Fund Realities on the Ground” a research study conducted by APCAS0’s APCRG Platform to measure civil society and communities’ experience when engaging in the key stages of country...
by Secretariat | Jun 2, 2020 | Improved Health Outcomes, Updates
As the coronavirus pandemic has unfurled across the world, the public health crisis has brought with it considerable social and economic aftershocks, which may be felt disproportionately by populations which are likely to be left behind. Aside from the direct risks... by APCRG | Jun 2, 2020 | CRG UPDATES, Social Justice, Updates
This is the second in a series of case studies highlighting the results of the “Global Fund Realities on the Ground” a research study conducted by APCAS0’s APCRG Platform to measure civil society and communities’ experience when engaging in the key stages of country...
by APCRG | Jun 1, 2020 | Community Systems Strengthening, CRG UPDATES, Publications, Updates
This report prepared by APCASO uses survey and interview data to document successes and gaps of Global Fund programmes and related mechanisms in the Asia-Pacific in engaging civil society, affected communities and key populations. The report focuses on seven...
by Secretariat | May 18, 2020 | Publications, Social Justice, Updates
COVID-19 is a serious pandemic, unprecedented in our lifetime. The Interagency Task Team (IATT) on Young Key Populations (YKPs) in Asia and the Pacific, concerned about the welfare of young key populations and young people living with HIV and the possibility of severe...