The Community, Rights and Gender Technical Assistance (CRG TA) Program is created to help civil society and community organisations and networks make sure that barriers related to community engagement, human rights, and gender equity are addressed by Global Fund grants that are being implemented from January 2021 to December 2023 through technical assistance (TA) programs.
Here is a quick overview of the CRG Technical Assistance process from requesting TA to evaluation:

Who can apply for CRG TA?
๏ Key population networks and organisations
๏ Youth-led networks and organisations
๏ Women’s networks and organisations
๏ Networks or organisations of people living with HIV or affected by tuberculosis or malaria
๏ Civil society networks or organisations led by or working with other affected communities (e.g. migrants, refugees, miners)
๏ Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) and Regional Coordination Mechanisms (RCMs) but only if they are developed and submitted in collaboration with the above stakeholders
When can I apply?
You can now access CRG TA at any stage of the grant within the 2020-2022 Funding Cycle, including during grant implementation and program review. The program also supports community engagement in sustainability and transition planning (STC) or other Global Fund processes like National Strategic Plan (NSP) development.
What type of technical assistance can I request?
You can apply for a CRG TA Request if you intend to do the following:
๏ Situational analysis and needs assessments
- CRG-related assessments to generate strategic information for better decision-making
- Program reviews to ensure community perspectives inform service delivery improvements
๏ Engagement in the country dialogue processes
- Community consultations to inform priorities for inclusion in national policies, guidelines, plans, and programs
- Coordinating input into key GF-related documents
- Engagement planning to strengthen participation of communities in GF processes
- Caucusing and collective strategising for coordinated community-led advocacy
๏ Supporting design and implementation arrangements
- Mapping of civil society and community organisations and activities to strengthen community systems
- Refining or validating tools that support community engagement in GF-related processes
- Workshop to strengthen knowledge of civil society and community groups on the Global Fund
๏ COVID-19 specific activities under C19RM
- Convening communities to review C19RM budgets during grant-making negotiations to ensure community priorities remain included
- Participating strategically in decision-making about C19RM implementation arrangements, including identifying or positioning community SRs/SSRs for specific activities, or
- Refining and validating tools that support communities to monitor C19RM grant implementation
*if applying for C19RM, add a fifth box and indicate “C19RM” under question 1.2 of the request form
What the CRG TA cannot support:
๏ CCM strengthening
๏ Long-term capacity development of civil society networks and organisations
๏ Development of stand-alone tools that lack focus on community engagement
๏ Funding Request writing
How can I apply?
To apply, you need to download the application form by clicking this link here. For assistance, please contact Jeff Acaba from the APCRG Platform at [email protected] and we will be happy to support you.
Once you have filled it out, you have to send the accomplished form directly to [email protected].
How do I make sure that my TA will be approved?
The Global Fund Secretariat, together with the CRG Department and Global Fund Country Teams, will assess the TA requests based on this eligibility criteria. The following is the list of the eligibility check:
๏ Eligibility of requesting organisation
๏ Involvement of the CRG Regional Platform in developing the request
๏ Link to GF-related processes
๏ Clearly articulated anticipated outcome
๏ Opportunity for strengthening engagement of civil society and communities, particularly key and vulnerable populations
๏ Strategic fit with one of the three CRG SI areas for technical assistance (see ‘what type of technical assistance can I request’ tab)
๏ Appropriate partnerships with civil society and communities
๏ Language requirements for the assignment
Who will provide the TA (also called TA provider)?
The CRG Department at the Global Fund Secretariat has pre-approved 26 TA providers who can deliver the TA. While the TA provider may not be from the region, in most cases (if appropriate) an Asia-Pacific provider will be sourced. You can ask for a specific provider in your application from the list of TA providers in Asia-Pacific but the CRG Department takes the final decision.
The following is a list of pre-qualified CRG TA providers (* are those who can deliver the TA in Asia-Pacific):
- AIDS & Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA)
- AIDS Strategy, Advocacy and Policy (ASAP)
- Alliance Consultancy*
- APCOM Foundation*
- Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+)*
- Center for Health Policies and Studies
- Coact*
- Coalition PLUS
- Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Divesity (ECOM)
- Frontline AIDS*
- HIV, Accelerated, Real-time, Versatile, Equitable, Safe response, and TB response – Technical Advisory (HARVEST-TA) consortium
- HIV Legal Network
- Hivos
- Harm Reduction International*
- International Community of Women Living with HIV Eastern Africa (ICWEA)
- Initiatives Conseil International-Santé (ICI SANTE)
- International Council of AIDS Service Organisations (ICASO)*
- Kenya NGO Alliance Against Malaria (KeNAAM)*
- Moldovan Institute for Human Rights (IDOM)
- Mainline Foundation*
- Community-led Assistance for Peer Engagement (CAPE)*
- PATA, Y+ Global and UNYPA
- Partners in Health
- Resource Group for Education and Advocacy for Community Health (REACH)*
- Stitching TB Europe Foundation Coalition
Learn more about these TA providers and what kind of specific TA can be provide here.
UNAIDS Technical Support Mechanism (TSM)
UNAIDS TSM was established in May 2018 to focus on implementing the global Fast-Track strategy and to deliver country and regional support with a primary focus on ensuring effective and efficient implementation of Global Fund grants in countries. As a Technical Assistance (TA) Program, UNAIDS TSM also accepts TA requests from the following countries:
*subject to change; please confirm with your respective UNAIDS office
CSOs who are interested to apply for TA under UNAIDS TSM can visit their website by clicking the button below. For general inquiries about TSM, you may contact [email protected].
Contact your CCM, FPM, or UNAIDS
Click on the icon above to access the Global Fund directory of CCM officials, members, and secretariats; Global Fund Fund Protfolio Managers (FPMs); and UNAIDS Country Offices from Asia and the Pacific region.
We also added FPM contacts of active multicountry grants.