APCASO, in partnership with the Activists Coalition on TB – Asia Pacific (ACT! AP), with support from the Stop TB Partnership through the Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) 2019, USAID, and the Global Fund, will spearhead the The RIGHT TO BREATHE Project beginning August 2020 to July 2021. This grant aims to scale up human rights advocacy within the TB response by establishing an Asia Pacific human rights advocacy agenda for TB that will provide APCASO and ACT! AP a framework for advocacy for as we engage with the national, regional, and multilateral bodies including international funding donors such as The Global Fund. The RIGHT TO BREATHE project will also provide in-country support in the rollout and implementation of national TB and human rights advocacy plans in Nepal, Papua New Guinea, and Viet Nam. By the end of this grant, a regional human rights advocacy agenda complemented by an advocacy roadmap, and a national-level commitment as an outcome of a regional dialogue will be produced. Civil society organisations, TB-affected communities, and TB survivors will also become more aware of their human rights and can identify and document human rights violations, and link to appropriate legal and paralegal services as necessary. Through advocacy-related efforts in this grant, national governments will be guided in shifting towards a more human rights-based approach to addressing TB in their respective countries.
To establish an Asia Pacific human rights advocacy agenda that will influence national TB responses and align with the regional and global TB agenda for a rights-based TB response.
- Support civil society, TB-affected communities, and TB survivors groups in the rollout of the TB and Human Rights Training Manual and in the implementation of their advocacy plans
- Lead the development of a regional human rights advocacy agenda for the TB response
- Advocate and influence inclusion of human rights agenda into the regional and national TB responses

The RIGHT TO BREATHE Project will be supporting civil society and TB-affected community-led organisations in three countries, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, and Viet Nam, to ensure in-country rollout of the TB and Human Rights, and to implement advocacy activities so that national TB responses adopt rights-based approach to TB.