SIEM REAP STATEMENT Outcomes of the Regional Meeting “Beyond the HLMs: One Region: From Unified Vision to Action” There has been significant progress across the region with regards to achieving the commitments made by countries on addressing tuberculosis (TB),...
The CELG project sought to develop and test community engagement strategies and approaches that enable LMPs as part of TB networks to influence COVID-19 and PPPR decisions at the country-level. Its activities can be summarised into two: (a) conduct community...
This Advocacy Brief summarises issues, gaps, and priorities of civil society and key and vulnerable population-led organisations in Asia-Pacific in relation to the 2023 Political Declaration on TB.
This Advocacy Brief summarises issues, gaps, and priorities of civil society and key and vulnerable population-led organisations in Asia-Pacific in relation to the 2023 Political Declaration on PPPR.
In Sri Lanka, our country partner, Diversity and Solidarity Trust (DAST), convened 20 participants mostly from civil society organisations and communities affected by HIV, TB, and malaria in the development of the campaign strategy. This is part of DAST’s...
This documentation report aims to capture insights and lessons from its APCRG hosting and select CRG TAprovision work from 2015 to 2017, and provide recommendations that will guide future similar work andinitiatives. Specifically, this report aims to: Produce a...