by Apcaso | Oct 30, 2020 | CFCS, Social Justice, Updates
Congratulations to the 10 civil society and TB-affected community participants from ASD Pakistan, the Global Coalition of Tuberculosis Activists (GCTA), Solidarity and Action Against The HIV Infection in India (SAATHII), Trisuli Plus, and REACH, along with APCASO...
by Apcaso | Oct 8, 2020 | CFCS, Social Justice, Updates
And it’s a wrap for the Southeast Asia run of the TB and Human Rights Training of Trainers (TOT)! We had nine TOT participants from five countries representing ACHIEVE Inc., Perhimpunan Organisasi Pasien TB Indonesia, Stop TB Indonesia, Alliance Myanmar, KHANA...
by Apcaso | Oct 8, 2020 | CFCS, Social Justice, Updates
Last 25 August 2020, 12 of Stop TB Partnership’s CFCS Round 9 grantees that will be implemented in Asia-Pacific presented shared about their grants and identified possible areas of partnership among CFCS grantees in the region. This webinar was co-organised by...
by Apcaso | Aug 8, 2016 | Publications
The report contains lessons on the implementation of the Community Advocacy Initiative (CAI), a partnership between APCASO and the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO), with China HIV/AIDS Information Network (CHAIN), China; Center for Supporting...