Lessons of Inclusion in Pandemic Governance

The CELG project sought to develop and test community engagement strategies and approaches that enable LMPs as part of TB networks to influence COVID-19 and PPPR decisions at the country-level. Its activities can be summarised into two: (a) conduct community engagement assessments and mapping out LMP organisations, TB community-led organisations and civil society, and existing (if any) COVID-19 or PPPR processes and platforms at the country level wherein LMP can engage; and (b) develop a costed community engagement plan that identifies the strategies that will build and strengthen the engagement of LMPs in the TB and COVID-19 decision-making processes Eight countries undertook the community engagement assessments, namely Cameroon, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria and Sierra Leone in Africa; and Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines in Asia-Pacific. Each country were designated with a specific LMP, defined by each country’s context of their extreme vulnerability to TB and COVID-19.

The recommendations from these country-level assessments were utilized to guide the development of community engagement plans. This book highlights each country’s community engagement plans and related activities, and share the lessons that country implementers have learned throughout the implementation process of their engagement plan activities.