In May 2018, the Global Fund Board approved a phased roll-out of CCM Evolution. The phased implementation consists of:
- Rolling-out a set of proposed activities in four areas of improvement
- Beginning scale up with a limited set of countries during this allocation period
- Introducingindicators to track and monitor performance. They will be used to further tailor activities based on evidence
- Strong commitment from the Board, the Secretariat and partners at country level to support effective implementation
- Driving the execution of CCM Evolution through consistent engagement of relevant parts of the Secretariat and with an appropriate mix of resources

Phased Roll-Out Activities include the following:
- Equipping each CCM Secretariat with an ‘Oversight Officer’ (if not already the case), with the purpose of supporting the oversight operations and risk management plan follow up.
- Equipping each CCM with a consultant (5 days a month) to guide the CCM Oversight Committee in its process and dynamics.
- Equipping each CCM with tools to ensure proper oversight function (including, where available, follow up on Risk assurance plan).
- Providing the opportunity to access technical support to support the transition (for Transition Preparedness CCMs)
- Arranging for civil society providers to deliver trainings to civil society organizations (mostly south-to-south), including key and vulnerable populations to strengthen their leadership and to enable them to play their roles as CCM members.
- Engaging with existing “Community Based Monitoring” entities (wherever available) so that they can monitor CCM performance.
- Providing ‘South-to-South’ opportunities (workshops) to exchange and learn about how to manage transition planning, design and execution (for Transition Preparedness CCMs)
- Training consultants for CCMs on new EPA, transition support and conducting eligibility and performance assessments
- Additional Global Fund Secretariat support, including consultant to support measurement framework; data collection and analysis; development of tools, guidance and training materials and project management support.
- Supporting each CCM (provision of technical support) to conduct (1) an analysis of the existing coordinating platforms and (2) their first annual meeting with the other platforms in order to agree upon a set of deliverables for the year.
- Supporting each CCM (provision of technical support) to conduct (1) an analysis of the existing coordinating platforms and (2) the design of how the CCM functions (and GF principles) can be streamlined in the future coordination platform. This includes in particular how Civil Society can play a role in coordination and oversight after the GF era (for Transition Preparedness CCMs)
CCM Functioning
- Providing each CCM with a leadership training for the Executive committee members.
- Training each CCM Secretariat on supporting functions and relevant processes and tools.
- Ensuring the GF Secretariat (CT and/or CCM Hub) participates in at least one CCM plenary meeting and 2 oversight committee meetings per year.
- Assessment and update of CCM Composition to include new stakeholders, including Ministry of Finance/Planning/Budget, etc. who can support sustainability of the national response. Training each CCM Secretariat on supporting functions and relevant processes and tools (for Transition Preparedness CCMs)
CCM country selection criteria for the phased approach
Using this criteria, the Secretariat can assess whether the recommended activities are effective in different settings. This also means that the Global Fund Secretariat is not only choosing “easy” CCMs.

Final List of Countries
Standard CCMs
- Country is representative (not an outlier)
- B2/C rated grants
- Support of CCM leaders for CCM Evolution
Transition Preparedness CCMs
- Country is representative (not an outlier)
- Strong leadership

CCMs in Challenging Contexts
- Country is representative (not an outlier)
- Fertile political environment
- Strong leadership (preferably)