by jeffacaba | Nov 8, 2023 | Publications, Social Justice
In Sri Lanka, our country partner, Diversity and Solidarity Trust (DAST), convened 20 participants mostly from civil society organisations and communities affected by HIV, TB, and malaria in the development of the campaign strategy. This is part of DAST’s...
by jeffacaba | Oct 4, 2023 | Community Systems Strengthening, Focus for Change, Updates
Activists Coalition on TB – Asia-Pacific (ACT! AP) & APCASO as well as ACT Africa are undertaking the Community Engagement and Leadership in Epidemic Governance Response (CELG) Initiative supported by the Global Fund and in collaboration with the Stop TB...
by jeffacaba | Jun 29, 2023 | Community Systems Strengthening
Following up our first Phase of the Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Short-Term Assistance in Mongolia where we supported the country in developing a CLM Strategy (link here), APCASO, as assigned CLM Technical Assistance (TA) Provider for Asia-Pacific under the...
by jeffacaba | Jun 27, 2023 | Improved Health Outcomes, Publications
The inequities which stained the world’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic are painfully familiar. Outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics throughout human history have raised concern, time and again, about the lack of capacity to effectively respond to health crises...
by jeffacaba | Apr 25, 2023 | Improved Health Outcomes, Publications
From February to April 2023, three interns, Sathiravija “Earth” Heebthong, Chadaporn “Mew” Kaenchan, and Chalita “Mok” Auesiritrakul from Thammasat University School of Social Administration, interned with APCASO to develop and...