by APCRG | Oct 3, 2018 | CRG UPDATES, Grow and Sustain Health and Rights Financing
In May 2018, the Global Fund Board approved a phased roll-out of CCM Evolution. The phased implementation consists of: Rolling-out a set of proposed activities in four areas of improvement Beginning scale up with a limited set of countries during this allocation... by APCRG | Aug 3, 2018 | Community Systems Strengthening, CRG UPDATES
Last July 10, 2018, the APCRG hosted the Asia Pacific webinar on the Robert Carr Fund Request for Proposals for 2019-2021. In case you missed the webinar, don’t fret! The webinar recording and presentation from the Robert Carr Fund Secretariat is now available!... by APCRG | Jul 11, 2018 | Community Systems Strengthening, CRG UPDATES, Global Fund updates
As part of work to improve Global Fund application processes and materials for the 2020-2022 funding cycle, you are kindly invited to participate in this confidential survey. The purpose of this survey is to understand your experiences of the Global Fund application...
by APCRG | May 25, 2018 | CRG UPDATES, Global Fund updates, Grow and Sustain Health and Rights Financing
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria expressed tremendous appreciation for President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to host the next Global Fund replenishment conference in France in 2019. The conference aims to raise new funds and mobilize partners...
by APCRG | May 12, 2018 | CRG UPDATES, Grow and Sustain Health and Rights Financing
The 39th Global Fund Board Meeting taking place in Skopje, Macedonia, approved a new policy that enables the funding mechanism to provide support to non-eligible countries in crisis. As stated in the communiques from the Communities Delegation, the Developed NGOs...